Day 1 [18.7.2009]
Slovenian skies greeted us with a firework display, thunder and heavy rain. This gave us plenty of time to take care of all the formalities and learn about the particularities of the countrty side we will be flying over once the sun is shining again.
I arrived in Lesce last night and when my husband and I arrived at the airport this morning we found our American members all present. Nobody got lost on the way from the US to Lesce. Also our German and Swiss delegation had already settled in.
The day began with breakfast in the big tent at the airport. and then the serious part of the day with the rules and regulations for the local flying conditions. Boštjan Pristavel and Miha Avbelj skillfully handled that task (in English).
Following this session followed the officia opening of the seminar. We, the Americans, felt very honored to be addresses by the Vice Major of the town, Jože Cerin and the prsident of ALC. Neita Montague, president of WSPA recognized all the women for planning and organizing our first overseas seminar, mainly Irena Gornik, head of the planning committee.
There will be no flying today. We will tour the area instead.
Until tomorrow, Frauke
Day 2 [19.7.2009]
The day started crystal clear. Our last seminar participants arrived today. Dr. Branko Brodnik, Chief Medical Officer of the Slovenian Medical Authority, presented the first lecture for today.starting with a funny film about an aerobatic passenger flight. He continued with the history of the Slovenian flying pioneers, who took to the air only 6 years after the Wright Brothers. He finished his presentation with another film taken over the spectacular alpine ceremony.
The flying began at noon and all planes and instructors were kept busy with checkouts. Others flew the single seaters. Later in the afternoon Milan Kobar showed two films. First was a film clip about the first three Slovenian women pilots participating in the 2004 seminar at Harris Hill in New York. The second film was a professional, vintage film called "Klempo" from 1957. It was filmed at Lesce Airport and told the story of a group of boys taking part in a two week soaring camp. Goran Ilic made the trip from Zagreb to make the viewing of this historic film possible.
Tomorrow is looking good for flying as well.
WSPA Seminar Day 3 [20.7.2009]
Before reporting on day 3 I want to thank our hosts and especially the expert fish cook for an outstanding dinner of freshly caught fish and delicious salads.
Day 3 started as usually with a sumptious breakfast buffet. Thanks to our breakfast preparers getting up so early in the morning to feed us all.
As usually the serious part of the day began with a lecture. Andrej Kolar talked about the possibilities his software « See You » provides for flight planning and execution.
The flying activities began around noon and judging from the many happy faces and the glowing reports flying a glider over this spectcular landscape gave testimony of a great flying day.
The day ended with a great dinner and party at LECTAR Restaurant in RADOVLJICA and with a short introduction into a piece of Slovenian history. The way to the dining room led through a bakery in which the famous Slovenian ginger bread cookies were baked in the old fashion way.
After the delicious dinner our Slovenian hosts conducted a raffle which netted the WSPA Scholar Ship Founds 300 €uros. Neita Montague then presented this year’s Scholar Ships.
Sky Ghost Scholar Ship : Mary Herman (17) USA, $500
Briegleb Scholar Ship: Ana Klansek (19), Slovenia, $1000
Mid Kolstad Scholar Ship: TabathaThomas (30), USA, $1500
Anne Morrow Lindbergh Trophy: Anna-Laura Geusen (18), Germany
Limerick winner: Nora Geusen (14), Germany
WSPA Raffle Winner: Anne Lucy McKosky
The winning Limerick:
A young girl in an Blanik
Made the towpilot get a panic
Loops and rolls
She performed while in tow
Hopefully a future expert in acrobatics.
A happy crowd went home after a beautiful evening.
Thank you Irena, Dani, Nataz