Redko srečamo jadralca, ki bi izkazoval toliko navdušenja nad svojim jadralskim izhodiščem kot Branko Stojković. Od leta 2012 vsakič znova pripravi zanimiv zapis o jadralskih izkušnjah v Bahii (Brazilija) in ga ponudi v branje prijateljem na FB. Tokrat je začel zapis na FB nekako takole: »Preden sem se leta 2012 podal na svojo prvo jadralsko odpravo v Brazilijo, sem sanjal, da bi obiskal Namibijo, Južno Afriko, Avstralijo ali Novo Zelandijo. O teh jadralskih točkah sem prebral veliko lepega in zanimivega, še posebno sem spremljal jadralske izlete prijatelja Milana Petkovića. Po štirih obiskih v Bahii so se moje prioritete nekoliko spremenile. Še zmeraj želim okusiti jadranje še kje drugje, a tudi v sezoni 2016 se bom vrnil v Bahio, a bom tam skušal ostati ves mesec, oziroma toliko časa kot bom mogel, seveda, če mi bo uspelo namero uskladiti s službenim in družinskimi obveznostmi.«
Prologue Before coming to Bahia for the first time back in 2012, I dreamed of going to one of the premier gliding places in Namibia, South Africa, Australia or New Zealand. I had read a lot of good things about these places and I had heard a few first person accounts from my friends (like Milan Petkovic) who had made the pilgrimage to some of these places. However, after four trips to Bahia my priorities changed a bit. While I would still like to visit Omarama and Bitterwasser one day, I see myself coming back to Bahia every year for as long as I'm able to. So far I've been staying for only a couple of weeks a year, but next year I'm planning to be there for at least a month, hopefully longer if I can fit it with my work and family obligations.
Each year that I come to Bahia Gliding I keep thinking that there's no way things could get any better. The weather is awesome and very reliable, the flying is out of this world, the company is fantastic and the food is on par with some of the best resorts I've been to. Yet, every following year I have to admit that I was wrong, that the things do keep getting better.
So, what makes Bahia Gliding such a great place for a glider pilot? If you have read any of my previous posts you'd probably know at least a part of the answer, but in any case, here it is again.