Navigacija malo drugače
(Opensoaring, 6. marca 2008, FIM Team)
Zadnji vikend v februarju nas je že pošteno imelo, da bi poleteli na jadranje, pa ne samo zaradi dobrega vremena, ampak predvsem zaradi na novo vgrajenega inštrumenta LX 8000 - najnovejšega dosežka firme LX NAVIGATION iz Celja.
Na prvi pogled inštrument ostaja v klasičnih LX potezah, s štirimi vrtljivimi gumbi in šestimi tipkami, ko pa ga vključiš, se pojavi presenečenje s čudovitim barvnim zaslonom in meniji, ki preprosto vodijo uporabnika do želenih začetnih nastavitev in vnosov osnovnih podatkov.
Barvna grafika, ki jo ponuja prepričljivi 3.5 palčni ekran in z njo urejen uporabniški interface, naredi LX 8000 zelo prijazen inštrument.
Tipke na inštrumentu nimajo več samo ene naloge, sam program v različnih menijih pove, kakšna je naloga tipke.
Ekran ima visoko svetilnost in je odlično viden v vseh možnih položajih - proti soncu, od sonca, pod oblakom …
Svetilnost se spreminja samodejno, prek vgrajenega svetlobnega senzorja, z možnostjo nastavitve časovne zakasnitve odstotka osvetljenosti.

Za razliko od LX 7007 je možno nastaviti skoraj vse prikaze parametrov leta in statistike med letenjem, kot tudi karte, opozorila, itd.
Vse nastavitve se lahko shranijo v določen profil, kar je prednost individualne nastavitve inštrumenta pri klubskem letenju, kjer isto letalo uporablja več pilotov.
Z integriranim Flarmom in čitalcem SD kartice je instrument kompaktna enota v enem kosu.
Instrument je pravokotne oblike in zato je potrebna predelava table na štirkotni izrez, kar na željo predelajo tudi v firmi LX Navigation.
Pri vgradnji instrumenta LX 8000 smo se odločili še za »remote stick« na komandni palici, z novo tipkovnico prilagojeno inštrumentu, kar pripomore k še bolj prijaznemu upravljanju.

Vsi trije piloti FIM-a smo opravili po eno jadranje z novim LX 8000, in vsi smo bili zelo navdušeni, tako da smo bili enotnega mnenja: LX 8000 zaseda v ponudbi tovrstnih instrumentov prvo mesto v svetovnem merilu.
Prvi vtis in ocena je torej, odlično !
FIM Team
A New Kind of Navigation
In the last week of February, we really wanted to go gliding, not just because of the good weather but also because of the freshly installed instrumentation of the LX 8000 – the newest accomplishment of the company LX NAVIGATION from Celje.
At first glance, the instrument still has the classic LX features, with four rotary switches and six buttons. When it is switched on, one is surprised by the amazing color display and menus which simply help the users find initial settings of their choice and prompt them to enter personal data.
The color graphics offered by the impressive 3.5 inch screen and its user interface make the LX 8000 a very user-friendly instrument.
The keys on the instrument no longer have only one task – the program itself uses different menus to indicate what the task of a particular key is.
The screen has high brightness and is very visible in all possible positions – facing the sun, facing away from the sun, under a cloud, etc.
The brightness changes automatically by means of an incorporated light sensor, and it includes a setting enabling a time delay in the percentage of illumination.
In contrast to the LX 7007, it is possible to set almost all flight parameter displays and statistical data during flight. This also applies map settings, warning settings, etc.
All settings may be saved under a certain user-profile, individual settings being an advantage when flying at a gliding club where numerous pilots use the same glider.
The integrated FLARM warning system and the SD card reader make this instrument a one-piece compact unit. The instrument is rectangular which requires a modification of the dashboard which can be done upon request by the company LX Navigation.
The installation of the LX 8000 now includes a “remote stick” on the command stick, and a new keyboard which is adjusted to the instrument making it even easier to manage.
All three FIM pilots glided once with the new LX 8000 and it impressed them. Their opinion was unanimous: the LX 8000 is the number one product of this sort on a global scale.
First impression and rating: excellent!
The FIM Team
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